Immediate Dentures in Victoria BC
At Postings Denture Clinic Ltd., we have a solution to ensure that you don’t have to go without teeth after your extractions. Along with our other dentures, we provide immediate dentures in Greater Victoria, prepared before your extraction procedure. This option comes with many benefits. One of them is that the dentures will help to reduce bleeding after the extraction and encourage healing.
Our denturists have years of experience in customizing dentures based on clients' specific needs. If you need immediate dentures, we will make them with complete attention to detail and have them ready on the day of your extraction. To make the perfect immediate dentures that suit all your needs, our team will carefully assess your teeth, dental history, and work with your natural teeth to duplicate their shape and functions.
We can create immediate dentures onsite in our in-house lab to ensure you have the smile you deserve. To schedule a consultation, contact our team.

Immediate dentures are complete or partial dentures that you can walk out with on the day of your tooth extraction procedure. What makes them different from other dentures is that you still have your natural teeth when you have them designed. Generally, clients who need tooth extraction will come to us to have their immediate dentures prepared for the day of their procedure. This allows them to enjoy the many benefits of these dentures, such as enhanced healing.
There is no need to wait for the extraction sites to heal with immediate dentures (you would generally need to wait 4-6 weeks after extractions to begin the fabrication of conventional dentures). An impression is made of your existing teeth and gums before the extractions and is then used as a working model to construct your new dentures. We also have the skills to provide other kinds of dentures, such as precision dentures and flexible dentures.
Our immediate dentures in Great Victoria have become a popular option. These dentures come with many advantages including:
You will not have to go out in public without teeth while waiting for your tooth extraction sites to heal.
Your immediate denture will protect your gums after the extraction, reducing bleeding.
You'll be able to get used to speaking with dentures right away, rather than having to establish new speech patterns without teeth and then again with conventional dentures.
You'll have a quicker and easier time learning to chew with dentures, allowing you to enjoy all of your favourite foods sooner.
We understand that having your teeth extracted can be a daunting process. However, with our immediate dentures, you can be more prepared for the procedure. Immediate dentures ease your transition after your tooth extraction and ensure that you don't have to eat and speak without teeth. The gums and jaw will change their shape as they heal, so it will be important to visit your denturist on a regular basis to have an immediate denture adjusted. Please contact us if you need an immediate denture in Victoria, BC.
Understanding the after-effects of immediate dentures can help you make the most out of them. During the first few months after your extractions, your gums and the underlying bone will be healing and shrinking, likely causing your dentures to loosen. We can place temporary soft-liners in your dentures to improve their fit. After approximately 10-12 months, your healing should be complete, and your dentures will need to be permanently relined or rebased to obtain an optimal fit. If you have any questions regarding our immediate dentures, get in touch with us!
Developments in denture technology mean that you now have a wide range of denture options to choose from. Our denture clinic keeps up with the latest advancements and provides many options to our clients. Each denture type comes with its own pros and cons, and you should weigh them against your needs. Our immediate dentures have many benefits and some disadvantages, including:
Fitted in your mouth immediately after extractions, which helps maintain aesthetics and aids in healing.
You will never need to appear in public without teeth.
It is easier to duplicate the shape, colour and arrangement of your natural teeth while some are still present in your mouth.
An immediate denture may not fit as well as one made after your gums have healed.
The cost of relining the denture or replacement final dentures makes it a slightly more expensive option.
It is not possible to predict how much your gums will shrink, and whether your dentures will need replacing as they loosen, or whether they can be fixed by relining or rebasing.
You cannot try the denture before your teeth are extracted. Therefore, you can only see how they will look in a wax model (not in your mouth).
If you're having trouble picking the denture type you need, please make an appointment with us.
Postings Denture Clinics Ltd. is one of the leading providers of immediate and permanent denture solutions for our patients in Victoria, BC. You can contact us anytime to find out more about our range of dental options and speak to our team today about your oral health needs, specifically if they are related to dentures. We will give you the best advice possible. Worried about getting dentures? We aim to give you the smile you deserve with our top of the line denture services. Postings Denture Clinic Ltd.’s expert team of denturists is devoted to providing the people in Victoria with high-quality immediate dentures, denture maintenance, and dentures over implants.