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Do I Need to Visit the Denturist Regularly if I Have Full Dentures?

Did you know that almost 20% of Australian adults who are 65 years of age or older have lost all of their teeth?

If you still have some of your teeth, a dentist may advise you to get complete or partial dentures. Whether you have dentures already or are thinking about getting them, it is important to familiarise yourself with the proper maintenance procedures.

Are you wondering if denturist visits are necessary? Keep reading to learn all about whether you need to visit the denturist on a regular basis if you have full dentures.

Regular Denturist Visits Reduce Complications

No matter what types of dentures a person has, there's always some degree of potential complication. Whether it's an infection or something else, the sooner an issue is caught, the easier it will be to correct it. The most common issue is discomfort. Discomfort can cause weight loss, poor health and oral sores. Your denturist can help alleviate discomforts at regular check up appointments.

This is reason enough alone to keep checking in with your denturist after you've received dentures.

Regular Visits Can Ensure Your Dentures Last as Long as Possible

If you want to keep enjoying the benefits of dentures, then you should attend your regular denturist appointments as recommended by your dental professional.

Without proper maintenance, your dentures won't last as long as they should. This can end up costing you much more in the long run.

With proper care provided by a denturist, your dentures could last about a decade, depending on the circumstances.

What to Expect at a Maintenance Appointment

Are you wondering how check ups work when visiting your denturist? When you first show up for your appointment, there's a good chance the professionals will take the time to update your dental and medical records.

After that, you can expect them to examine both your gums and your dentures. They'll also check to ensure the stability, fit, bite and integrity of your dentures. If your dentures are ill-fitting when you bite down it could cause breakage and soreness.

They'll also check for staining, cracks, and other damage.

Now that you've learned why you need to visit the denturist if you have dentures, you can schedule your appointment. That way, you'll rest easy knowing that everything's on track and your dentures will last as long as possible.

Contact us today

Postings Dentures Clinics is here to provide you with outstanding denture solutions and maintenance. From partial and complete dentures to flexible and precision dentures, our clients know that they can rely on our care and expertise.

Feel free to reach out and schedule an appointment at one of our offices. We look forward to seeing you.


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